All parents were on vacation, so the kids were alone. On one Friday, after everyone came from their part-time job to eat dinner.
They thought of watching 2 movies. To be comfortable they first ate their dinner on the sofa and then turned the couch into a bed to watch the film. After watching a 1 ½ movie everyone except for T, SU, Ad, Al, and N slept.
When the movie ended, they looked at the kids. -Wow they are so cute -, said T. "Yaa! Who thought the strictest and disciplined children i.e., Y and S can be cute", added AL.
"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" asked T. "Yep!" Replied the pranking team. They all brought paints and painted the faces of the children.
"Hey Y wake up", yawned S. Y slowly woke up and "AH! S what happened to your face?" asked Y. "I could ask you the same", replied S.
"Everyone wake up!", shouted Y. As everyone woke up they cried "AHH! What happened to your face?". "What's all this commotion about? There are people who are sleeping here", complained the pranking team.
"You all painted our faces!", screamed the others. "Ha! Ha! Ha!", laughed the pranking team. "It's not funny!?!", skreiched others.
"Hey dudes and dudettes what happened why are you all speaking simultaneously?" asked N. "We are not", said everyone.
Yes, you are-, giggled the pranking team. -- wait we are...-, laughed everyone. Everyone burst out laughing.
While the others were laughing, the pranking team tried to sneak away but S caught them. "Oh no you don't, you all are not going anywhere, "said S annoyed.
"As per the rules you all will be grounded for a week", added y. "What?! No way", exclaimed the pranking team. Everyone ignored them and went in their ways smirking.
The author of this book loves reading and writing. She can not live without them even for a day. She gets inspired by watching anime and asian series or movies. She is a big fan of bts, stray kids and txt as well as shinee. She also loves disney.
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