I woke up feeling suffocated. I slowly opened my eyes to see Mattheo and Christopher siting on me, fighting. Likewise, I yelled at them, "What the hell is going on here? Can't a person sleep in peace?"" Good Morning, sleepy head! I, too, was woken up by this devil who is unfortunately our brother", said Mattheo. Just then Christopher takes the pillow from my hand and throws it on Mattheo making him fall off the bed. "Hey!!", shouted Mattheo. Then Chris started, "Ok now the fun’s over. The Nott family is coming over for lunch, so let's go. Mattheo moans. I excitedly jumped out and freshened up. Christopher was odering the house elves. I was in my dressing room, in front of the mirror applying makeup when I hear Tinky [My fav house elf], announce "THE NOTTS HAVE ARRIVED". I saw Mattheo entering with Skyler and Theo. I enveloped them in a tight hug. Theo chocked out, "can't...breathe". I apologized, pulling out. Skyler said, " Hey Taylor, wear that purple dress for lunch.
I replied sure with a smile. I kicked them out of the room and wore the purple dress. Then I went to the dining room where everyone was settling down. I politely greeted the elders and sat down next to Matt. Uncle Nott stood up and announced, " The Notts and The Riddles have always been great friends. Let's continue our friendship with an engagement. Since Taylor and Skyler are like soulmates, let's engage them. Taylor are you ok with it? Skyler said he is." I turned to Skyler and asked if this was true. When he replied that it was true, I said yes to the engagement. Adrian toasted, "To Skyler and Taylor" Everyone raised their cups and drank. Soon all of us started eating and chatting. After the lunch, Uncle Nott went to work and all of us started playing Wizarding Chess. Me and Isabella went to my room to get the letters. As soon as I saw them, I grabbed them and ran down the stairs. I shouted " Christopher, Mattheo, Guess what I got?" Christopher and Skyler came running to the stairs. As soons as they came, I jumped and hugged Skyler," I got the invitation to Hogwarts." Hearing this, Christopher grabbed me and twirled me around as I giggled. After settling down on the couch, all the eleven year olds opened the date of joining at the same time. It was day after tomorrow. Adrian saw this and said, " Let's go and buy your things tomorrow." Isabella asked excitedly, " Does that mean we will be staying here?" Theo replied nonchalantly, "duh". All of us started planning what to do and the day passed just like that Isabella and me were sleeping in our room. Adrian and Christopher is Chris' room. Skyler, Matt and Theo in Matt's room.
The Next Day:
Everyone got up and freshened up.
The outfit Taylor is wearing
We had our breakfast and got ready to go out. After a few minutes, we reached Olivander's wand in the Diagon Alley. As we entered the shop, we saw a huge man holding a tiny boy, he looked our age. Isabella exclaimed," Hello Hagrid." The huge man turned with the boy and waved, " Hello Isabella, Adrian and Christopher."Christopher asked, "What are you doing here?"Hagrid showed the boy" These are the Nott and the Riddle family and guys this is Harry Potter." Mattheo's expression changed. I held his right hand with my left hand and squeezed it with reassurance. I raised my right hand for a hand shake,"Hello, I am Taylor Riddle", and showed him a smile. Adrian spoke up to clear the awkwardness," Excuse me, We are looking for wands." After buying the wands, we went with Hagrid and Harry to buy our pets. I saw many cats and owls. While the others were checking the pets, I went to Chris and tugged on his shirt. He turned around and knelt down. I whispered,"I want a cat but I need an owl to send letters. What should I buy?" Christopher whispered back, " How about buying both?""Really?", I asked. "Yes", replied Chris. I hugged Chris tightly on his neck, "Thank you so much, Big Bro." and yelled loudly. Chris carried me like a baby, took me to the counter and spoke to the person, "Can we take the white owl and the black cat?" The person replied yes. I thought of naming the cat 'Medusa' and the owl 'Stheno'. After buying the necessary items, we went back to the manor. As soon as we arrived, the 13 year olds shouted, "Go and pack your trunk. We have to go there tomorrow as soon as possible." Hearing this, all of us started packing the bags and went to sleep.
The author of this book loves reading and writing. She can not live without them even for a day. She gets inspired by watching anime and asian series or movies. She is a big fan of bts, stray kids and txt as well as shinee. She also loves disney.
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